Carrot Cake (Vegan and Gluten-Free)

Hello sweet people!

Recently, a friend of mine challenged me to bake a vegan carrot cake which is soft and has a nice taste and texture. Usually carrot cakes are not my favourite as I am not a big fan of icing/frosting as it is usually very “buttery” and too sweet. But I do like the idea of putting carrots in a cake (I also know some recipes with zucchinis, I will share them with you) and I found it matches perfectly with cinnamon.

So, I took the challenge, and worked on a way to keep this famous cake up to its standard, without using butter or eggs. I decided to use maple syrup instead of crystallised sugar, to keep the moisture and to bring a nice flavour. To replace eggs, I used ground flax seeds added to almond milk. And instead of butter, a bit of olive oil (you cannot feel the taste, I promise).

The result was up to my friend’s expectations, so I was delighted and decided to share it with you.

Here we go: vegan (dairy-free and egg-free) and gluten-free carrot cake!


Serves 4-6 persons


-220 g of rice flour

-160 g of finely grated carrots

-150 g of maple syrup

-80 g of olive oil

-80 g of raisins, soaked in water for 10 mins and then drained

-50 g of walnuts, chopped

-160g of almond milk

-1 table spoon of milled flax seeds

-2 tea spoons of lemon zest

-2 tea spoons of ground cinnamon

-2 tea spoons of baking soda

-1/2 tea spoon of cider vinegar

-a pinch of salt

How to proceed:

Pre-heat your oven at 180°C.

In a bowl mix together the grated carrots, the milled flax seeds, the almond milk, the maple syrup, the olive oil, the cider vinegar and the lemon zest.

In another bowl, mix together the rice flour, the baking soda, the cinnamon and the salt. Then pour this dry mix into the wet mix and mix until it is homogeneous. Add the raisins and chopped walnuts.

Pour the dough into a greased mould, preferably a loaf mould, and put in the oven for 45mins. Let it cool down for 5-10 mins before removing from the mould, and wait that it is completely cooled down to serve it. VOILA!

Perfect occasions for this vegan and gluten-free carrot cake:

-tea time

-dessert for a dinner/lunch



Version Française

Pour 4-6 personnes


-220 g de farine de riz

-160 g de carottes finement râpées

-150 g de sirop d’érable

-80 g d’huile d’olive

-80 g de raisins secs, trempés dans de l’eau pendant 10 minutes et ensuite filtrés

-50 g de noix hachées

-160 g de lait d’amande

-1 cuillère à soupe de graines de lin moulues

-2 cuillères à café de zestes de citron

-2 cuillères à café de cannelle en poudre

-2 cuillères à café de bicarbonate de soude

-1/2 cuillère à café de vinaigre de cidre

-une pincée de sel de mer

Comment procéder:

Préchauffer votre four à 180 ° C.

Dans un bol, mélanger les carottes râpées, les graines de lin moulues, le lait d’amande, le sirop d’érable, l’huile d’olive, le vinaigre de cidre et les zestes de citron.

Dans un autre bol, mélanger la farine de riz, le bicarbonate de soude, la cannelle en poudre et le sel. Puis verser ce mélange avec la farine de riz dans le mélange avec les carottes râpées et mélanger jusqu’à obtention d’une pâte homogène. Ajouter les raisins secs et les noix hachées.

Verser la pâte dans un moule graissé à l’aide d’huile de noix de coco, de préférence un moule à cake, et mettre au four pendant 45 minutes. Laissez refroidir pendant 5-10 minutes avant de retirer du moule, et attendez qu’il soit complètement refroidi pour le servir. VOILA!

Occasions idéales pour ce Carrot Cake:


-Dessert pour un dîner / déjeuner


-petit déjeuner

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