Fluffy Crêpes/French Pancakes (Vegan and Gluten-free)

Hello gourmet people!

As I love crêpes (French pancakes), when I became a vegan, I thought that making soft and fluffy crêpes without eggs would be tricky… So I have tried many recipes, made many ‘breakable’ and ‘hard’ crêpes until I found THE recipe! Since then I stick to this one: the result is very nice, soft and fluffy crêpes that can be eaten with sweet or savoury fillings. And it’s gluten free!

Here we go: fluffy, soft and gluten-free crêpes/French pancakes 🙂


Makes 20-25 medium crêpes.


-170 g rice flour

-80 g chestnut flour

-80 g corn starch (or arrow root can work as well)

-500 ml almond milk

-250 ml cold water

-2 table spoons of sunflower oil

-1 pinch of sea salt


How to proceed:

Dilute the corn starch into the cold water.

In another salad bowl, mix the rice flour, the chestnut flour, the oil and add the corn starch mix and the salt. Slowly add  the almond milk, mixing with a whisk to avoid lumps.

Leave the dough to ‘rest’ for 30mins.

Grease a non-sticky pan and place it on the stove to high temperature. When the pan is very warm, turn the stove a bit down and pour some of the dough: I recommend to pour the dough in a pourer so it is easier. Turn the crêpe after 10-20s.



Perfect occasions for this crêpes:

-lazy weekend breakfast

-birthday party with adults or kids

-tea time

-lunch or dinner

Version Française


-170 g de farine de riz

-80 g de farine de châtaignes

-80 g de fécule de maïs (type Maïzena)

-500 ml de lait d’amandes

-250 ml d’eau froide

-2 cuillères à soupe d’huile de tournesol

-une pincée de sel de mer

Comment procéder:

Diluer la fécule de maïs dans l’eau froide.

Dans un autre saladier, mélanger la farine de riz, la farine de châtaigne, l’huile de tournesol et ajouter le mélange de fécule de maïs et le sel de mer. Ajouter lentement le lait d’amande, tout en mélangeant avec un fouet pour éviter les grumeaux.

Laisser reposer la pâte pendant 30 min.

Graisser une poêle et la mettre sur feu haute température. Quand la poêle est très chaude, baisser le feu à température moyenne et verser un peu de pâte de manière à couvrir la surface de la poêle d’une épaisseur de 2-3mm : Je recommande de verser la pâte dans un récipient avec un bec verseur, le processus sera plus facile. Tourner la crêpe après 10-20s.


Occasions parfaites pour ces crêpes végétaliennes:

-petit déjeuner/brunch


-dîner, déjeuner


3 thoughts on “Fluffy Crêpes/French Pancakes (Vegan and Gluten-free)

  1. Hi, the ingredients doesn`t mention the use of arrowroot but arrowroot is mentioned in the procedure. Please clarify whether arrowroot is needed for this recipe and if so, what is the quantity. Thank you


    1. Hi Sheila,

      Sorry for the confusion, I meant “corn starch”, but you can also use arrow root instead! You will need 80 g of corn starch OR arrow root that you will dilute with the 250 ml of cold water.

      Have a nice day!


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